After our first week we got used to the camino and found our stride. Here is how our second week went
After a week on the camino we got into a rhythm, walking and resting, listening to our baby's needs. Walking was easier in a way, as the days got more structured. We also crossed to Galicia, which is visibly richer area than Castilla y Leon. It is more associated with the camino as Santiago is located there. More places are open and there are more places to eat and sleep at. The downside to this is that we start to see more tourists versus travelers. The spirit of the camino is getting weaker, the donativos are more rare.
Our way
Day 8 - Ponferrada - Cacabelos 16.3km
Day 9 - Cacabelos - Villafranca del Bierzo 8.4km
Day 10 - Villafranca del Bierzo - Vega de Valcarce 16.9km
Day 11 - Vega de Valcarce - O Cebreiro 11.6km
Day 12 - O Cebreiro - Triacastela 20.8km
Day 13 - Triacastela - Sarria 16.6km
The baby
At this point we learned most of the answers to our questions. We walked for 1.5-2 hours at a time, in which our son was sleeping. The we stopped to play, either in a restaurant or in the middle of nowhere with our blanket. The diapers needed proper planning, not to carry too much weight and also not to be left without any. Food was another question. He is mostly breast-fed, but we already needed some supplements, baby products are scarce on the camino. We planned everything by the next supermarket.
Albergue de Peregrinos Vega de Valcarce - Another great albergue with an amazing hospitalero. A place in which you can feel the camino spirit, and have a nice community dinner if you shall cook it
Triacastela - A calm town with a vibe that will make you want to stay for another night
Terra de Luz - Another pilgrim haven run by a sweet couple. Make sure you stop by during the day for refreshment and chill with the owners and other pilgrims. Bonus for us, our son met his first dog friend
Final thoughts
As we found our rhythm, the second week was less chaotic than the first one. We also finally crossed to Galicia. Walking with our baby we saw the camino starting to change on the way from Ponferrada to Sarria, starting to be more commercial. The mood was still high, getting ready for the last 100km.
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